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Computing at Eastrop

At Eastrop, our Computing Leader is Mr Mazonowicz. He works closley with Mrs Law who is the Computing Lead at Southfields Junior School

Computing is taught using a range of digital technologies to allow the children to experience programming through real life scenarios. This allows them to create algorithms, debug software and learn basic coding skills through a safe and secure digital environment. 

Throughout the Early Years and KS1, children are taught to understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions. Children also learn how to create and debug simple programs and to use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs. As well as this, children learn how to use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content and how to recognise common uses of information technology beyond school. Children learn how to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private and where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.

Vision for Computing

As Computing underpins today’s modern lifestyle it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability, that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. The use of Computing will enhance and extend children’s learning across the whole curriculum whilst developing motivation and social skills.

Curriculum Overview

We have created a Curriculum Overview document to show how the teaching of Computing changes and evolves from Nursery to the end of KS1 (2-7).

Please click this link to see our Eastrop Computing Curriculum Overview

Computing Curriculum

We have split our computing curriculum into three key areas; Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Computing Science. Our curriculum content follows the Rising Stars cross-curricular approach to ensure all objectives are covered from the National Curriculum using a range of different technological media within a variety of subject areas. 


E-safety in a Digital World

Staying safe online is a crucial part of e-safety and is taught each term to build on and continue to reinforce it's important in our digital age. Children follow key rules on e-safety to ensure they use technology safely and understand the importance of an open dialogue about what is happen during their app or web based usage.

This is also further embedded at Eastrop through our ever growing safeguarding culture and is our focus for class assemblies during Term 3. 

Please click this link for a booklet on being a Digital Parent

Please click this link for a story to support e-safety on home devices


The computer programming element of the curriculum includes some new vocabulary and to help demystify some of these terms, here are some useful explanations:

Algorithms are a set of instructions to achieve a desired goal e.g. how to make a sandwich successfully or baking a cake by using a precise method.

Debugging is simply finding errors within a sequence of events or code and putting them right for a desired end, e.g. to make a computer-generated pen draw a square on the screen, the turns must be through right angles (90 degrees, not 45 or 60 etc.)

Decomposing is simply breaking a process or program down into smaller separate steps e.g. building a house is made up of different steps by laying the foundations, building the walls and putting on the roof etc.

Sequencing is putting a series of events in the correct order to ensure a desired outcome e.g. spreading butter on a slice of bread before adding the filling.

Selection this is an essential part of programming whereby a choice is made if something happens e.g. if it rains, then you put on a raincoat.

Repetition is the repeating of a set of instructions over and over again, such as a daily routine which is repeated every day during the course of a school week e.g. wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school, learn and come home etc.

Variables these are ‘containers’ which are used to store information within a program e.g. the score box in a quiz.

Useful Websites







