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Eastrop Infant School

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Welcome to our nursery

Eastrop Nursery is a Teacher Led Nursery that provides education from the age of two and on through the pre-school year until your child is ready to start school. We have one large open plan classroom where children of differing ages mix together as they would at home. 

Eastrop Nursery

Learning through play

Our play based curriculum is carefully designed to match the needs of the individual children and ensures that every child is able to reach their potential. Children learn, play and develop together through a range of engaging activities that are designed to stimulate learning and build confidence. Outdoor activities are an important part of our learning all year round. The children at Eastrop Nursery enjoy opportunities such as welly walks, forest school activities, building obstacle courses and caring for our plants and vegetables. 


From the moment children start in Nursery, there is an emphasis on developing their language skills and introducing early letter and sound recognition. Children encounter songs, rhymes and stories that widen and support their vocabulary development. Phonics teaching continues when children enter Reception.

Ofsted, July 2022

Apply for a Place

To apply for a place or ask any questions please contact the school on 01793 763772 or email us at nursery@eastrop-inf.swindon.sch.uk

Please click this link to access our nursery admissions policy and price list.