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Eastrop Infant School

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Early Birds Breakfast Club

Both my daughters enjoy breakfast club everyday and get up in excitement every morning, urging to go to school. I would like to thank all the team at Breakfast club.

We are delighted to offer Eastrop’s Early Birds Breakfast Club to all children at Eastrop Infant School and Southfield Junior School and Eastrop Nursery.

The breakfast club will be run from Eastrop’s school hall, daily from 7.45a.m. and will provide the children with a healthy breakfast and the opportunity to participate in fun activities. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

All detailed information can be found in our attached policy and breakfast club flyer. In order to book your places, please complete the attached emergency contact form and return to either school office. Please book using the attached booking form and return to either school office. 

For any further information, please contact the school's main office on 01793 763772

Useful Documents


Early Birds Flyer

Early Birds Policy

Early Birds Emergency Contact Form 

ParentPay Booking Instructions