Eastrop Infant School

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  • A message from everyone at Eastrop Infant School - Please click here to watch our lip sync video. Enjoy! 

Families' Feedback

We encourage open and honest communication within our school community and are proud to have regular feedback from our families and positive comments on our annual questionnaire.

I have just come back from the maths workshop that Mr Maz led. I thought it was excellent. He is a great communicator and is clearly a good teacher and a real asset to Eastrop.

Parent, January 2019

Annual Questionnaire

Each year, we formally collect the views of parents and carers via a questionnaire. Governors support school leaders with this process by attending parents' & carers' evenings. Governors welcome and talk to families, listen to their views and encourage parents and carers to complete our annual questionnaire. Governors and the Head of School work together to share and analyse the results. The feedback is discussed by Governors and is used to inform school improvement.

2019-2020 Results

2018-19 Results

What is great about Eastrop Infant School?

We had lots of wonderful responses to this question. Here are a just a few...

All the staff from teachers, receptionists, TAs, breakfast club and after school staff are always welcoming, happy, helpful and professional.


My child thoroughly enjoys attending Eastrop Infant School and has settled into school life well thanks to the friendly and supportive staff. She always finishes the school day with a smile on her face and eager to tell me about her day.


The teachers go above and beyond and are amazing at what they do. The behaviours and values are adhered to by the children and they have a positive feeling and attitude towards the school.


My child loves coming to school and feels safe there.


Their values and ethos. They encourage children to learn whilst excepting they may not understand everything yet (Mojo), but with willingness to continue learning they achieve their goals.


Actions to move forward

We are really keen to further improve our provision at Eastrop and welcome parents' and carers' feedback. In the table below is a summary of the common themes, our responses and the actions we will take in response to the question 'Name one thing that could be better at Eastrop Infant School'.

Common Theme



Not enough after school clubs

Unfortunately, due to our wrap-around care provision being located in our school hall, we are limited in what extra-curricular activities we can offer. As a result, any clubs we provide have to be held in classrooms, which in turn limits the number of children who are able to attend.

Due to the unpredictable nature of our weather, we are unable to offer sports clubs during colder terms because of lack of indoor sporting space too.

We rely heavily on the expertise and good will of staff to provide extra-curricular activities for children, ensuring that there are opportunities which are free to attend.


We have started to offer a wider range of clubs which are provided by staff, free of charge. Although we still need to limit numbers who attend due to room size, we ensure that these clubs are open to all ages.

As the weather improves further, we will offer more sports based clubs by using our outdoor space.

We will continue to seek providers who can offer paid-for clubs from our classrooms.


We are always striving to find ways to make communicating with parents/carers as simple as possible. We recognise that on a couple of occasions, communications have gone out late. We also recognise that working parents may find managing these communications more difficult.

We use ParentPay to provide a consistent form of communication for all parents/carers but rely on parents reading the information we send them in a timely manner.

On occasion, events are subject to changes beyond our control. In these circumstances we will always let parents/cares know as soon as possible.

We work closely with Southfield Junior School to coordinate events, but we are two separate schools and on occasion there are clashes in events due to the individual plans/timetables of the school/year group.

We will stagger the communications sent out to avoid overloading parents/carers with information.

We will endeavour to give at least 2 weeks notice for any up coming events, with a reminder a few days in advance too. For paid events, we aim to give at least 4 weeks notice.

Our website is being updated regularly to ensure consistency of information across all platforms

We will continue to work closely with Southfield Junior School to coordinate events, ensuring parents/carers can attend events at both schools.

School dinners

We have already made changes to our lunchtime offer this year by giving families the option to 'mix and match' A and B choices within a week rather that only being able to select A or B for a whole term. We have found that most parents still opt for the A (meat choice) everyday. There are also a number of families who regularly miss food ordering deadlines. 

All of the school meals provided by our caterers at Warneford adhere to the 'Standards for School food in England' guidance published by the DfE.

We work closely with our caters to provide a varied menu of food which is popular with children to reduce food waste and to ensure children have a good sized meal to keep them going for the afternoon. Our caterers also provide meals tailored to individual dietary requirements where needed.

We want to ensure children are provided with food they like and food which they will eat whilst maintaining a good nutritional value.


We have started working with our caterers to further develop our menu; introducing more variety whilst taking into account

the tastes/preferences of children to minimise food waste;  the ordering process for parents including how far in advance orders need to be placed;  the impact a wider choice will have on the serving time for lunchtime staff.

Parents will continue to have the option to provide their child with a home-made packed lunch.

Workshops/Information sessions We recognise that there is never a perfect time which will suit everyone when hosting workshops and information sessions. Our aim is to capture as many parents/carers as possible at these events for the benefit of pupils. Hopefully you will have noticed more recently that the same workshops/information sessions have been run several times in a day or across a week. This is so that as many parents/carers are able to attend as possible. We have begun keeping attendance registers and it is clear that workshops/sessions run during the day are far more popular with parents/carers. The sessions we run in the evenings are often very poorly attended which can be very disheartening for staff who have given up their personal time to not only prepare for them but to host them too.

It is our aim to make our workshops/information sessions as accessible as possible for all our parents/carers, including those who work full time. This is why we will continue to run multiple sessions of the same workshop i.e. just after drop off, before pick up and in the evening.

We will seek opinion and ideas from parents/carers to ensure the workshops we provide are wanted, useful and at suitable times

If you have any further comments or queries regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact us at admin@eastrop-inf.swindon.sch.uk

What is great about Eastrop? Staff who listen and actually do something with my feedback