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Eastrop Infant School

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Fees & Funding

Here is a quick overview of our fees. A link to our admissions policy and fees can be found on the 'Welcome to Our Nursery,' page.

Breakfast club- from 7.45am £4.50 a day
Morning session- 9.10-12.10

£16.50 per three hour session for 2 year olds

£16.00 per three hour session for 3 & 4 year olds

Afternoon session- 12.10-3.10 (Lunchtime is included within this session)

£16.50 per three hour session for 2 year olds

£16.00 per three hour session for 3 & 4 year olds

After school care- 3.10-6pm £13.50

Availability of hours is dependent on staffing ratios and capacity of key workers. Please contact us for availability.

Funding for 2 year olds is available Click Here subject to eligibility.

If your child is 2 and you think you may be entitled to 2 year old funding, please email Swindon Borough Council at  EY&CBrokerage@swindon.gov.uk to apply. You can also phone their early years engagement officer on 07812 759534.

More information can be found at: Free childcare and early education for two-year-olds | Swindon Borough Council

15 hour Universal Funding is available for all 3 year olds the term after their third birthday.

Go to www.childcarechoices.gov.uk for help paying for your childcare including 2's funding, 15 & 30 Hours funding, Tax Credits, Universal Credits & Support while you study.

More Information

Early Years Pupil Premium - Extra funding for eligible 3 and 4 year olds.

Childcare Entitlements