Eastrop Infant School

Visit Southfield Junior School
  • A message from everyone at Eastrop Infant School - Please click here to watch our lip sync video. Enjoy! 

GLT Curriculum Principles

At Grove Learning Trust, we believe that great teaching in every classroom, in all schools will improve the outcomes for our pupils. Our principles for great teaching are driven by evidence-based research. Great teachers develop a broad array of teaching strategies that are pupil centred. This approach, combined with strong subject knowledge and a deep understanding of individual pupils, positively impacts upon learning. 

A prerequisite of this is the Trust’s clearly defined curriculum where content is well sequenced and provides a progressive framework for learning. This extends from EYFS, through KS1 and KS2 and prepares our pupils for the next stage in the learning journey. We believe that when there is a robust curriculum with a clear rationale in place, combined with great teaching, this is when pupil progress and consequently attainment is likely to be at its best.

Our trust’s curriculum includes

  • a coherent and consistent rationale that underpins the whole curriculum and is in place across all schools
  • purpose, key principles and values, agreed expectations and underpinning concepts. These are regularly reviewed through a robust approach to monitoring and evaluation that ensures impact against intended outcomes

Our GLT curriculum principles underpin the clearly defined content and logical sequence of the curriculum mapped out in each of our schools.

Our school’s curriculum:

  • is led, implemented and reviewed by leaders, teachers, support staff and pupils who have a secure knowledge and understanding of the curriculum design and its structure
  • is language rich and enables the successful development of communication skills and understanding of vocabulary
  • meets the aims, purpose and objectives outlined in the National Curriculum for each subject
  • is supported by a full programme of professional development, linked to clear expectations and aims

Our curriculum on one-page documents have been written in collaboration with subject leaders from across our trust. They outline our trust wide principles against the 3Is of intent, implementation and impact. Each GLT school uses these to map out their individual curriculum, ensuring it is inclusive and representative of their school and community. 

This approach, together with a trust wide programme of professional development and collaboration, supports the development of shared pedagogy for all aspects of the curriculum.