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Eastrop Infant School

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Every Thursday, Mrs Warburton holds a special celebration assembly in which we celebrate the learning and special achievements of the children and adults who learn and work at Eastrop.

Stars of the week

Each class nominates two pupils to be recognised for their efforts and achievements that week. They are our Eastrop Stars of the Week. During our celebration assembly they are presented with a star which details why they have been nominated. A copy of their star is also put on display in the hall.

As well as celebrating academic achievements made in school, we celebrate extra-curricular achievements such as certificates for swimming, trophies and medals for football and gymnastics and recognising charity work and fundraising.


Reading is incredibly important at Eastrop and we celebrate children's reading by rewarding them for how many nights they read, earning certificates for every 25 nights. 


We use Dojos to reward good learning behaviour and effort. Every member of staff is able to award children with Dojos which are collected and recognised by presenting Dojo certificates in our celebration assemblies. Parents are able to link to their child's ClassDojo account to get weekly Dojo updates.



WOW moments

We encourage children to always try their best and take pride in their work. To recognise when children have worked exceptionally hard and made a real effort, they are put onto our pot of gold. This shows everyone they come into contact with that they have achieved something special and encourages us to ask them about what they have done.