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Eastrop Infant School

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Maths at Eastrop

The mathematics curriculum is designed and sequenced well. This helps pupils to build on previous knowledge from Nursery to Year 2, including for those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) Adults in Nursery plan learning opportunities within the indoor and outdoor environment to allow children to understand number in a range of situations. Effective talk and accurate use of mathematical vocabulary enables the youngest children to develop their understanding of number well.

Ofsted, July 2022

At Eastrop, we have high expectations for all of our children and believe that they can achieve highly and become confident and skilled mathematicians. We strive for all children to be curious about mathematics and to understand the importance of mathematics in their everyday lives. We make these links through a rich cross curricular approach. Seeing maths used in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Humanities and Sports. We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of mathematics in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts.

We work closely with schools in our partnership to ensure a seamless transition from one Key Stage to the next. Our programme of study is organised carefully so that children can build on their skills and knowledge. Children are equipped to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving problems. At Eastrop Infant School, our carefully planned curriculum provides children with the opportunity to apply their mathematical knowledge in all other subject areas.


Eastrop is part of the Mobius Maths Hub and we currently follow the White Rose Mathematics scheme of work. This is followed throughout Eastrop (2-7) and aids transition as the children move on in their learning journey up to Southfields (7-11). 

Our maths leader is Mr. Mazonowicz who is a Primary Mathematics Specialist and runs workgroups with other schools in Swindon and the wider Wiltshire area. He works closely with the leader of mathematics at Southfield Junior School Georgia Clapham

Our Maths Vision for Eastrop

In line with the aims of the National Curriculum for Mathematics, we aim to ensure that all children gain:

  • a deep and sustainable learning in mathematics which they are able to apply to a range of contexts
  • develop a wide mathematical vocabulary to justify and reason
  • the ability to build on previous knowledge
  • the ability to reason about a concept and make connections
  • a sound procedural and conceptual understanding
  • fluency with number
  • an ability to solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller steps and showing resilience


It is our intention that by the time the children leave Eastrop they will be naturally, confident and fluent mathematicians. They will be curious learners and eager to explore mathematical concepts and ask questions to find solutions to problems in both school and the wider world. We at Eastrop, want to enable all children to develop an intrinsic love of maths that will support them through their life journey.

Curriculum Overview

Our programme of study is taught in manageable small steps which allows pupils to progress through the curriculum using the Matsery approach. Children revisit previously learned knowledge, concepts and procedures to make sure that their mathematical knowledge becomes deeply embedded, increasing their maths confidence. 


We have created a Curriculum Overview document to show how the teaching of Mathematics changes and evolves from Nursery to the end of KS1 (ages 2-7)

Please click this link to see our Progression document for Maths.

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge organisers are used by the children to support the CPA approach (concrete, pictorial, abstract). This is used consistently to ensure that concepts are modelled to the children using multiple representations ensuring that they have a guide to refer to in order to support independence with their mathematical learning and development. 

Please click this link to see our Year 1 Knowledge Organiser

Please click this link to see our Year 2 Knowledge Organiser

Our medium term overview

We are delighted to have joined the new WhiteRose initiative with our partnership school Southfield. This has been crafted for the 2022-23 academic year to match the criteria set by the National Curriculum and Ofsted.

Please click this link to read our medium term overview for Early Years

Please click this link to read our medium term overview for Year 1

Please click this link to read our medium term overview for Year 2

Visual Calculation Document

We work closely in partnership with our feeder nurseries and Southfield Junior School to ensure methods of calculation follow the CPA approach and that it flows fluidly from 2-11.


Please click this link to see how the children use the above visual concepts to develop there mathematical skills during each stage of there learning.

Mathematical Vocabulary

This section sets out Early Years and Key Stage 1 (KS1) maths vocabulary under the new National Curriculum. The tables can be used to check pupils’ understanding of new vocabulary introduced from age two to eleven. 
The lists are intended as a guide as to what pupils should know, and are not exhaustive. Of course, key terms may be introduced earlier as a challenge for our learners, although it is also important to ensure that learning is ‘new’ and carries an ‘element of surprise’.
It is expected that key vocabulary is displayed on ‘Maths Learning Walls’ at appropriate times during the academic year, and is promoted through mathematical talk in lessons.

Please click this link for maths vocabulary

Parental Resources

Please click this link for the Maths @ Eastrop Workshop Powerpoint

Please click this link for a list of Useful Websites and Apps






