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Eastrop Infant School

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Our School Day

Our days are action packed at Eastrop. Our playground gates (Park Avenue entrance) open early so that the families and children can be welcomed into school by members of staff from their year group. Doors open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am. Registers close at 9am.

The children hang their coats and book bags then swiftly move to the classroom where they enjoy morning tasks set by their class teacher.

Every morning the children start their day by learning phonics in their classes (the letters and the sounds they make) which help them with their speaking, reading and writing. Teachers and Learning Support Assistants help the children to learn by playing games and practicing sounds as well as reading and writing to see how well the children are using and applying their phonic knowledge.


Throughout the morning, linked to the year group’s theme, the children focus on English and Maths and with their teacher, follow the National Curriculum. At Eastrop, we place a strong emphasis on a rounded, cross-curricular education so it’s very common to see the children painting, cooking, enjoying new books, listening to music, drawing, building and making, playing and investigating during what you may think of as more traditional English and Maths lessons.

Learning and Playing Outdoors

 Our outdoor facilities are great and they're always developing. There is always a mid morning break. We are lucky to have a large playground, a field, AstroTurf and two outdoor seating areas which are used for relaxing, playing, performances and learning during lesson and free time. There’s shelter for when the weather’s too hot or wet and the children in our Reception classes have a dedicated space which contains specialised play equipment.


We have a school hall in which we get together for whole school and class assemblies and use the same space for lunch time. Did you know that across the country, children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free, hot meal at lunchtime? At Eastrop, we split lunchtime into two sittings so that all children have enough space to eat and can socialise with their friends. Lunchtime starts at midday and ends at 1 pm.

Afternoon Activities

During the afternoon, the children continue to learn about their year group theme within lots of the other subjects within the National Curriculum. At the end of each day we gather together for our assembly and these have a range of themes. 


Home Time

School ends at 3.20 pm when children pack their bags and meet their parents or carers on the playground. We provide a selection of after school clubs. These are currently: Football, Singing and Mental Health and Well Being. Clubs end at 3.55pm.