Religious Education At Eastrop
Our R.E. leader is Miss Vardy.
At Eastrop we follow the Swindon agreed syllabus for Religious Education. Key questions are used to ensure a depth of study and understanding across a range of religions and beliefs.
Please click this link to see our RE overview.
Our Vision for R.E.
At Eastrop, we provide children with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the religious practices and beliefs of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, which allows our children to embrace and respect the diverse global community which they live.
Through our RE curriculum we provide children with the opportunity to share their own religious beliefs and values, as well as providing them with the opportunity to ask questions, relating to their own beliefs and that of others.
Children are encouraged to reflect on their own developing beliefs and values and learn to be respectful and compassionate of the beliefs and values of others, through understanding their traditions and practices.
Eastrop looks to build children’s sense of identity and belonging, which helps them flourish within their communities whilst learning to live respectfully together.
Progression and Learning in R.E.
Please click this link to read about the children's learning and progression in R.E.
*Parents have a right to withdraw children from RE. A request can be made to the Head of School from parents to withdraw their child wholly or partly, from receiving religious education (RE) given in the school in accordance with the school’s basic curriculum. Parents may also request to withdraw their child from attendance at religious worship in the school or within the community.