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Eastrop Infant School

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Our branded school uniform is available to order through YourSchoolUniform 

Alternatively, unbranded clothing is perfectly acceptable. 

Our school uniform is a royal blue jumper/cardigan with a navy polo shirt and grey bottoms (skirt, pinafore dress or shorts/trousers).

Socks/tights must be grey, black or white and shoes must be black. No trainers or boots please.



Summer Uniform

In the Summer, children may choose to wear grey shorts instead of trousers. Royal blue/white gingham summer dresses can be worn too. School shoes must also be worn (no sandals please). Shoes are safer than sandals when running and when using large pieces of equipment such as rolling tyres.



PE Kit

Our PE kit is a plain white t-shirt and black shorts. In colder weather children may wear plain black tracksuit bottoms and a plain black jumper/hoodie or their school jumper. Trainers should also be worn. We do not recommend daps/plimsolls as these are less suitable for outdoors.



Nursery Uniform

Children should wear navy polo-shirts and dark coloured bottoms. We recommend leggings or jogging bottoms so that children can be as independent as possible with their toileting.

Please open the following link to view the online store from which you can buy branded itemsEastrop Infant School & Nursery (yourschooluniform.com)


Jewellery and hair accessories

The only jewellery that should be worn are stud earrings. Other jewellery such as bracelets, rings and necklaces should not be worn unless for religious reasons.

We strongly recommend that long hair (shoulder length or longer) is tied back. This stops it getting in the way when children are playing/learning.

Hair accessories should be small in size and in keeping with our school colours. Large Jo-jo type bows should not be worn.




Pre-loved Uniform Shop

We have a pre-loved uniform shop on site and all are welcome to take a look.

Uniform is displayed on a rail which you can browse. All the uniform is clean and ready for a new home.

Our pre-loved uniform shop acts on an honesty donation system- just select what you need from the uniform rail and donate what you can afford into the money box.

The rail of clothes is regularly put onto the playground to make browsing easier, but if it isn't out and you would like to take a look, please just ask a member of staff who will be pleased to help you.

Please do consider using the pre-loved shop for your uniform needs- we would much rather the uniform was rehomed than go into landfill, and with young children growing so quickly or getting mucky easily, this is a cost effective way to replenish uniform!