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Eastrop Infant School

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Our Community

We know that one thing that makes Eastrop a really special place is the community that surrounds it. We feel incredibly lucky to be part of a supportive community that wants our school to be the best it can be.

Over time, as we make even stronger links with different groups in our community, this page will grow.

Southfield Junior School

One of our strongest links is with Southfield Junior School which is where our children move on to when they leave us at the end of Year 2. We work closely to make sure that the children’s transition is smooth so that they start Year 3 feeling confident and eager to learn.

Each term (restrictions allowing) we look for opportunities to work with the staff and pupils at Southfield, strengthening the transition and giving the pupils of Eastrop plenty of ways to become familiar with the pupils, staff and environment at Southfield. Activities include shared reading, using Southfield's playground and forest schools area, having computing lessons taught by Southfield's IT teacher in their IT suite, sharing performances, shared PTA events and more.

You can visit Southfield’s website by clicking this link.

St. Michael’s Church

Eastrop is closely linked with St. Michael’s.. We visit often to learn about key events in the Christian calendar. The whole school, including parents and grandparents, attends St. Michael’s for services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter in which the children perform and sing together. 

We are also very grateful that the churches of Highworth unite and provide 'Bags of Hope' for some of our more vulnerable families during holiday periods. These bags contain food, vouchers and activities for children such as recipes and crafting.

Local to Global  

We know that our community stretches much further than our eyes can see. Children learn about their place within the United Kingdom through a varied and exciting curriculum. They learn about the British values of individual liberty and mutual respect. Through our carefully planned curriculum we broaden our children's understanding of the wider world including similarities and differences between cultures and countries.


The children and families of Eastrop are keen fundraisers and this year we’ve managed to support:

  • Swindon Food Bank (Harvest collection)
  • British Legion Poppy Appeal
  • BBC Children in Need

Entertaining our Community  

At Eastrop we love entertaining the community and welcome opportunities to take part in shows and performances.