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Eastrop Infant School

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Remote Education Provision

In the case of school closures, learning will be ready for the children to access as soon as reasonably practicable.

 Eastrop will use Tapestry to communicate learning for children in Nursery and Reception and Class Dojo will be used for children in Year 1 and 2. We will also use platforms that enable live learning sessions. The choice of platform will be communicated with parents at the time of the closure

 We will carefully consider the age, stage and independent study skills when designing the learning that will be provided. We will provide the core teaching for the period of the closure e.g phonics, maths, developing writing skills and a range of foundation subjects across the week.

 Regular opportunities for feedback and interaction with teachers and peers during the school day will be planned.

 We will make reasonable allowances for adequate screen time breaks for pupils and staff during digital remote education.

We understand that there are differing and circumstances of the pupil and their families and we are mindful of this. We will audit the access to devices and connectivity that families would have and make every effort to support access to the remote education provision

 Equal access to the provision will be supported through printed resources,

 Attendance at remote learning sessions and engagement in remote learning offered will be monitored.