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Support for Parents/Carers

This page is being updated all the time and provides support and information for parents and carers.

Here you will find useful links and contact details for organisation who you may wish to contact for further support and advice.

Curriculum Workshops

Curriculum area Resources shared
Reading & Phonics 
  • Workshop Power Point
  • Useful Apps and Websites
  • Progression of Skills for Math
  • C-P-A Progression for Math
  • Knowledge Organiser Year 1
  • Knowledge Organiser Year 2
  • Programme Overview Early Years
  • Programme Overview Year 1
  • Programme Overview Year 2
  • Mathematical Vocabulary
Year 2 SATs information session for parents/carers 
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

 Mental Health Support

NHS Website- Every Mind Matters



Parent Workshop Presentation: Anxiety 

Family support

Public Health England have published an easy read guide to looking after your feelings and body…



National Autistic Society tips for families… https://www.autism.org.uk/services/helplines/coronavirus/resources/tips.aspx


Tips and strategies for managing your child’s behaviour and dealing with common ADHD challenges, which may be heightened during this time…



Bereavement support

Cruse Bereavement Care


Telephone national help line 0808 808 1677


Wiltshire Treehouse



Winstons Wish


Freephone National Helpline: 0808 020 021


Local Support

The Bridge- Highworth

Located in Sheep Street, just off the Market Place in Highworth, The Bridge is a hidden gem providing support and friendship to whoever drops by. The Bridge Centre is a Highworth Community Church initiative, and their vision is to help connect the church with the wider community of Highworth.

The children’s, youth and families work is still active through various media. Contact Jon to see what’s happening: 07701 303760 or email jon@highworthchurch.co.uk

Other services that can be accessed via The Bridge are:

Swindon Food Collective: 01793 765060 (Alfie or Anita).

Food Bank: Operating as a satellite for Swindon Food Collective, you can trade in your vouchers here at The Bridge Centre. Open Mondays and Thursdays, 11am-1pm

Debt helpwww.capuk.org, or 07885 579876 (Kathryn).

CAP leaflet

General help and supportcontact@highworthchurch.org, or 07712 521046 (Matt).

If you are not able to leave the house because you are vulnerable or self-isolating, but need supplies or support, please contact Matt on 07712 521046.


Alternatively, for non-medical assistance you can also contact:

Voluntary Action Swindon (VAS) via the Swindon Borough Council Live Well Hub here: Livewell@swindon.gov.uk 

Tel: 01793 445500 (Mon to Fri 9am-5pm or Sat/Sun 11am-2pm) 


 Support with Gas and Electricity: (paying for services or topping up)

Some suppliers often have a non-disconnection policy and may be able to offer up to 2 weeks of power in an emergency (please contact your supplier for details and information)

BRITISH GAS: 0330 100 0303 

 EDF:  0330 200 5110 

 EON: 0345 052 000

 N POWER: 0800 073 3000 

 SCOTTISH POWER: 0800 027 0072.

 SSE:  0345 600 2006 



SHOUT - text ‘Shout’ to 85258 for 24/7 crisis text support

Childline - under 19s can call 0800 1111 for free, confidential support

New Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service 24 hr helpline for children and young People and parents and carers.  Provided by Oxford Health NHS Trust and Swindon Borough Council (TaMHS)

9am – 5pm on a weekday 01793 463177  

5pm – 9am on a weekday or on weekends 01865 901000

This is not an emergency helpline

 Useful Documents

Parent/Carer emergency contingency Plan - COVID-19

RSPCA - Pet details

Advice for parents/carers when child is unwell