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Eastrop Infant School

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Nutritious Snacks

We provide a snack and drink for your child during the morning and afternoon session. This time allows children to interact socially; developing their understanding of good manners and the use of please and thank you. The food served is simple, healthy and wholesome; vegetables, fruit, raisins, toast and crumpets are just a few examples.

The children are encouraged to help to prepare the snacks, pour the drinks, collect the cups and plates and share and count the amount of snack needed. Children also help to clear away used cups and plates, wipe tables and sweep up dropped food. Washing dishes is always a popular activity! When the weather is nice we regularly have lunch in the garden.

We ask for a donation each term (6 times per year) towards subsidising the snacks:

£2.50 for part time pupils and £5 for full time pupils per term. 


* Milk can be ordered free of charge from the Coolmilk website

* We are a NUT-FREE school and are happy to help make adjustments for any allergies, dietary requirements or religious beliefs.